Alexandra Peca Amaral Gomes
Visiting Tutor
Alexandra Peca Amaral Gomes is a Teaching Assistant at UCL Bartlett School of Planning, where she has been teaching a variety of modules including urban design, contemporary cities, sustainable urban development, international planning project and plan-making studio. She was awarded the UCL Provost Education Award 2021.
She is currently a Research Fellow at LSE Cities where she is responsible for coordinating the Centre’s spatial analysis across a range of projects.
More about me
Alexandra has strong interdisciplinary skills and is interested in connecting the different dimensions of urbanisation. At LSE Cities she has been leading and coordinating research across different scales of analysis and within different geographies, from Europe to the Middle East, Asia and Africa.
In her PhD, also at UCL Bartlett School of Planning, she developed a multi-sensory framework for the analysis of urban public space.
Previously, she worked as a Research Assistant at The Bartlett School of Planning and Geography Department at UCL. She holds an MSc (Res) in Sociology and Development Planning from ISCTE-IUL and an MEng in Urban Engineering from IST-UL (Portugal). In Portugal, she also worked in spatial planning, sustainable transport mobility and spatial analysis at CESUR – Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisbon University.
Research Focus and Interests - socio-spatial analysis; environmental design; urban policy, urban inequalities, urban health, public space, sustainable mobility; urban sensescapes analysis; visual communication

From - Portugal
Favourite Place - Lisboa, Portugal
FUN FACT: If you were stranded on a desert island and you could only bring 3 things, what would they be?
Music, camera (photographic) and, of course, my "special people"