Dr Tse-Hui Teh
Lecturer in Urban Design and Planning
Tse-Hui's interest in the built environment began in primary school when she moved from a newly built school where she was the first cohort of kindergarten pupils, to a school built in the Victorian era. She loved her first school where there was a free and breezy (literally) interaction between the outside and inside with generous covered areas from the sun and rain, and a huge playground bordered by bushland. Sadly, her second school had windows too high for children to look out of, a small paved school yard punctuated by a few struggling trees, and nowhere to go if it rained. The looming school building provided shade from the sun.
More about me
Tse-Hui felt sad that her new school friends had only experienced the oppressive atmosphere of a Victorian era school building. She wanted to make sure that people could live in happy and beautiful environments, so she became an architect.
She soon learnt that the buildings she was creating could be doing more harm than good. These places she was designing were reliant on unsustainable forms of resource use.
Now she researches and teaches on how we can make happy and beautiful environments in a sustainable way. This will take collaboration with other people, beings, technologies and materials. Together we can coevolve to create sustainable systems and places everywhere.
Research Focus and Interests - urban design; codesign; coevolution; sustainability; water and sanitation

From - Australia
Favourite Place - Balmoral Beach, Sydney, Australia
FUN FACT: If you were stranded on a desert island and you could only bring 3 things, what would they be?
Bucket, shovel, seeds for edible plants that can be grown in the desert island ecosystem