Additional Team Members - Quentin Stevens, Tao Yang, Richard Wei-Tse Wang, Tse-Hui Teh
The research from which this chapter draws explores the history of Macau’s production of space and the politics of territorial identity over the period from 1557 until 2009; a period defined by territorialisation (1557 to 1987) which aimed primarily at securing the Portuguese presence in the territory in the face of challenge by China, and was followed by processes of deterritorialisation and re-territorialisation, both driven by the post-1987 capitalist economy and globalisation. This chapter, however, focuses largely on the period of territorialisation in which the spatialisation of a Portuguese cultural identity was particularly evident in the production of public space. In short, this chapter explores urban design through a prism of cultural and political economy, in this case utilising the historical case of Macau.